Bell Ringer Ideas from Edutopia

More great ideas from


Other Ideas for Bell Ringers–

Photographs- my board from Pinterest–Daily articles with comprehension questions.  Remember to preview the articles.

A Google a Day

180 Journal Writing Prompts

The Daily Post-A Prompt a Day  Not all are school appropriate; however, many great ideas.

The Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture

The Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge:  Texture

These pictures are of two table cloths made by the women in my life.  They are so beautifully crafted, and I was blessed to be able to use them for my wedding.  It was a special way to remember them on a wonderful day.  They would have been proud to see me use them.


March 30, 2013_144051  IMG_2849

The Daily Post’s Photo Challenge: Containers


Boxes, tanks, wrappers: for this week’s Photo Challenge, show us something that contains something else.


This week, I struggled to pick just one… so I didn’t.


Pitcher Plants at the Atlanta Botanical Garden

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Potter in Rhodes, Greece


The Daily Post’s Daily Prompt: Nosey Delights

Nosey Delights

From the yeasty warmth of freshly baked bread to the clean, summery haze of lavender flowers, we all have favorite smells we find particularly comforting. What’s yours?


As a middle schooler, we moved to Springfield, Illinois, and for the first time, I learned what a lilac bush smelled like.  I always looked forward to the season when the large lilac bush in our yard would bloom.  I didn’t have to do to the bush to smell the beautiful purple blooms because the wind would carry their scent throughout the yard.  When I moved back to Georgia, I tried to grow a lilac bush without any luck and resigned myself to only getting the scent from candles or lotions.  Then, we went to Prince Edward Island, and once again, I was treated to the sweet smell of lilacs carried on the breeze.